
Thanks for have a courage to waking up today. 

The panic attack from last night was so bad but you still here. 

Sometimes courage is smiling for your younger sister when your heart is full of anxiety. Sometimes courage is a quiet fight, a dim softness within you, that flickers even on your darkest days.

Yes, your healing is your own. 

It's your war, your battlefield, but you don't have to fight it alone. You see, it's never been you vs. the world. People in your life may not be able to remove the pain or cut the darkness from your bones, but they can stand by your side while you save yourself. If you let them, they can love you through the pain.

Listen—whatever it is that makes you wake up, whatever it is that makes you feel a moment of peace or a glimmer of hope, just keep it close. Please, live for it. Make sure that you focus on it. Make sure that you make time for it. I don’t care what it is. You have to understand that happiness does not have to be this big all-consuming thing. Sometimes happiness is your morning cup of coffee. Sometimes it is the smell in the street after it rains, or your favorite song played on repeat for three hours straight. Sometimes happiness is your friend’s laughter or the way the sky looks through the trees in your favorite park. If it keeps you going, if it ignited something within you, it doesn’t matter how small or grand it is. Just hold on to it. Let it save you.
